i’m looking for a way to upload multiple images to a collection as separate items.
i could use a few upload buttons but is there a way to submit all using one submit button?
You can loop maybe. If you have five upload elements called upload1, upload2, upload3, upload4 and upload5 you can kick start the uploading process for them all I guess from one button.
// Code that loops through five upload buttons
export function button1_click(event) {
for (var x = 0; x < 6 ; x++){
if($w("#uploadButton"+x).value.length > 0) {
$w("#text1").text = `Uploading ${$w("#uploadButton"+x).value[0].name}`;
.then( (uploadedFile) => {
$w("#text1").text = "Upload successful";
$w("#image1").src = uploadedFile.url;
.catch( (uploadError) => {
$w("#text1").text = "File upload error";
console.log(`Error: ${uploadError.errorCode}`);
else {
$w("#text1").text = "Please choose a file to upload.";
hi thanks for that.
i managed to do it.
import wixData from 'wix-data';
export function submitbutton_click(event, $w) {
$w("#uploadButton").startUpload($w("#uploadButton").buttonLabel = "Uploading")
.then((uploadedFile) => {
//$w("#uploadButton").buttonLabel = "Finished";
let toInsert = {
"pic2": uploadedFile.url,
"title": "TITLE"
wixData.insert("images", toInsert)
.then((results) => {
let item = results; //see item below
.catch((err) => {
let errorMsg = err;
$w("#uploadButton1").startUpload($w("#uploadButton1").buttonLabel = "Uploading")
.then((uploadedFile) => {
//$w("#uploadButton").buttonLabel = "Finished";
let toInsert = {
"pic2": uploadedFile.url,
"title": "TITLE"
wixData.insert("images", toInsert)
.then((results) => {
let item = results; //see item below
.catch((err) => {
let errorMsg = err;
Hello! I am new to coding… I can create a form that connects to a database and send notification emails through sendGrid. I have a client that needs to upload multiple images with one button click. If I copy the code above and paste it into the coding section, will that work within the form that I create? Do I put one button and connect it to the code above? If you could give some direction, it would be much appreciated! Thanks.
Hi, I am new to coding so can you tell me how to get this work on Wix prebuilt forums feature?