User Input - Email Confirmation?

How can I get this thing to do a duplicate check on 2 separate email field as 2 fields that are linked for email confirmation purposes and throw an error if they do not match character by character?

Hi Omid,
It’s possible. Did you try looking through the docs we have? There’s actually a very similar example there.
If you can’t find it, I’ll post the link, but please try the docs first, and give us some feedback on that experience as well…

Keep the feedback coming!

I think I found it, sorry, it is a little hard to search through docs at this time, all code documentation is de-indexed from what I can tell both on Google and on the internal search engine. Hence, some of these matters I may miss in there, but thanks for letting me know as I dug through examples and was able to locate two useful bits of info that regex for phone format and the email confirmation :smiley:

Cool! Keep it up :slight_smile: