I recently started to make a website with my friend, and we wanted a repeater, that is connected to a database that is a list of categories, and another repeater that is connected to a database that is a list of data. If I wanted to make it so that when a user clicks one of the items displayed in the first repeater, it filters the other repeater based on the item that the user clicked, how would I do that? Thank you in advance.
For example:
$w.onReady( function () {
$w("#dataset2").onReady(() => {
$w("#repeaterElement").onClick(event => {
const itemData = $w("#repeater1").data.find(e => e._id === event.context.itemId);
function filterRepeater2(itemData){
$w("#dataset2").setFilter(wixData.filter().eq("type", itemData.type));