Using/Uploading custom fonts from Adobe

Hey WixCode!

I’ve been researching on how to get a custom font on my Wix site without uploading the actual font file, but I haven’t found anything yet. Since I use Adobe’s Typekit app and Creative Cloud, I can upload and use their fonts on any Adobe application. Although, it’s not as easy when it comes to using these fonts outside of any of the Adobe apps — in my case using a font for my wixsite.

That being said, they do have a code option you can use on your own website. Either I’m not sure where to put the code on Wix, or Wix doesn’t have a feature to properly embed this. I’ve attached a screenshot of the code that Adobe creates, I’m just unsure what to do with it…

Can anyone help?? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

#font #customfont #adobe #wixcode


Hi mike
I have the same problem. Have you found a solution?

I would try adding it to the in tracking&analytics.

I haven’t :frowning:

I’m no coder by any means, but I’ll give this a shot.

Alright, I got this far. I hit “apply” - but have no idea what to do next lol. Where do I find this font so I can use it?? I am the biggest noob when it comes to code so I appreciate your patience lol.

This worked for me. Thank you, Mike

You can do the above to use the font without actually uploading it to your site.

Otherwise, you just have to upload it yourself.

Old post being closed.

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