Using Wix to make a User Editable Database

How do I make a database on Wix, that anyone who goes onto the published website can edit and add to, sort of like Wikapedia?


What are you trying to achieve:
I am digitising a library card system, and want to make a database for librarians to edit who has borrowed books, and add books etc. without ever entering the Wix dashboard, or the Wix editor. I want them to be able to edit the database from the published website.

What have you already tried:
I’ve tried forms, tables, and text fields, but tables and text fields aren’t able to be edited from the published website as far as I can see, and data from forms doesn’t get displayed on the published webpage, only able to be seen in the Wix dashboard.

you could have a form to edit the data - then have a repeater connected to the dataset that displays the data.