i want to my own customized database for members with permissions to add information through forms, but wix creates its own form and does not alow the permissions to be modified, any insights on this issue?
Wix Editor
What are you trying to achieve:
I want memebers to add information about their timetables and services they provide
What have you already tried:
I have tried creating a database or cms with personalized permitions for creating and editing, and placed the dataset on the page with a wix forms in one case, and on another page i tried to create a form manually adding elements to upload and button to send, all conected to the dataset that was configured for writing.
I also tried using code.
But wix duplicates the database and then does not allow for its edition, only alowing the administrator to modify the information.
Wix ingnores the dataset conected and loads the information in a wix dataset that i did not creat and therefore cannot modify.
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