API Fixes: Editor Elements ($w), Data, Users, and Routers
We just updated the API Reference to fix a few bugs. Here’s the list of recent changes.
To see every change in the API Reference, visit the Release Notes page.
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Lot’s of our bugs come from users like you and you can help us improve the docs by reporting them to us. You can report bugs and other feedback through these links found at the bottom of our docs.
Editor Elements ($w)
The Velo Reference incorrectly stated that you could only “get” the value of the ProgressBar element.
Fixed : We clarified that you can both “get” and “set” the value property .
We were a bit vague about how bulkUpdate works.
Fixed : We now stress in the explanation that bulkUpdate replaces all properties of the existing, matching items. When specifying which properties you want to update, the values of any properties that are not specified are lost.
wix-users and wix-users-backend
privacyStatus ( register )
There is a new privacyStatus parameter for the register function. Options are PUBLIC and PRIVATE. A member whose status is PUBLIC is a member of the site’s community. Learn more.
The introduction implied that the user needs to create the routers.js file. Actually, when you set up your router , the file is created for you.
Fixed : We clarified that you do not need to manually create the routers.js file.
Also: We reviewed the existing explanations and made some updates, including:
How to work with routers, based on changes made in the Editor.
How we explain the URL needed for WixRouterRequest .
Adding and fixing links.
Fixing a typo in an example.