Velo too demanding for what I want or a bit of bad programming?

Hello all, Velo newbie here. I’ve had a page with Velo made up(outsourced) as currently my skills are nowhere near level they needed to be at. It was to create a custom/interactive neon sign page.

I’ve now noticed it’s running slow on mobile. I think I’ve only really noticed it since adding scrolling text at the top as most of my testing was done on desktop.

The main issue is the graphics at the top as when I scroll down it the page is less glitchy.

What type of code should I be looking out for that could be too demanding? There is a glow effect that seems to be the only graphical demanding element. Is there any tools that I can use to check what could be causing it? I’m just looking into being put into the right direction.

The page in question is neondaddy .co .uk /designyourown (please remove spaces)

Please be aware I haven’t polished off my site yet(especially that page).

Many thanks. Any help would be greatly appreciated and I’d hopefully be able to return the favour one day!