Want to create user input based website

Hey Guys!
Thank you so much for taking the time out to read this.
I basically want to create a page where a user can choose a couple of options such as:

  1. Age
  2. Gender
  3. School etc.
  4. Location
    And receive results based on the said inputs.
    Eg. John selects —> Age - 18, Gender - M, School - XYZ, Location - NY. He receives results for scholarships he is eligible for based on said inputs.
    Is this possible? Please let me know how I can go about achieving this.

There are many ways you can do it, see following examples for suggestions.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhXed0u6wh0 video for above tutorial


You can filter the dataset yourself manually.

Or as shown in above examples, filter it through the use of code using these apis.

Wix Repeater With multiple Search Code Example

The Page
Repeater: #repeater1​​
​​User Input: #searchbar
​Dropdown: #dropdownfilter
​Image Element: #searchicon​
The Database
Create a database: Products (dataset1)
​Recommended fields:
Product Name Field: product
Product Description Field: description
Price Field: price
Product Type Field: producttype (for filtering)
​Then link fields to your repeater.
Page Code

import wixData from 'wix-data';
// Set Dropdown Options //
$w.onReady(() => {
        .then(res => {
            let options = [{"value": "", "label": "All Types"}];
            options.push(...res.items.map(type => {
                return {"value": type.search,"label": type.search};
        $w("#dropdownfilter").options = options;
let lastFilterSearch;
let lastFilterType;
let debounceTimer;
// Search Bar //
export function searchbar_keyPress(event, $w) {
    if (debounceTimer) {
        debounceTimer = undefined;
    debounceTimer = setTimeout(() => {
        filter($w("#searchbar").value, lastFilterType);
// Set Filters //
function filter(search, type) {
    if (lastFilterSearch !== search || lastFilterType !== type) {
        let newFilter = wixData.filter();
            newFilter = newFilter.contains('product',search);
            newFilter = newFilter.eq('producttype', type);
    lastFilterSearch = search;
    lastFilterType = type;
// Dropdown Filter //
export function dropdownfilter_change(event, $w) {
    filter(lastFilterSearch, $w("#dropdownfilter").value);
For More Filters

import wixData from 'wix-data';

let lastFilter1;
let lastFilter2;
let lastFilter3;
// Set Filters //

$w.onReady(function () {
function filter(filter1, filter2, filter3) {
   if (lastFilter1 !== filter1 || lastFilter2 !== filter2 || lastFilter3 !== filter3) {
       let newFilter = wixData.filter();
           newFilter = newFilter.contains('item1', filter1);
           newFilter = newFilter.eq('item2', filter2);
           newFilter = newFilter.ge('item3', filter3);
   lastFilter1 = filter1;
   lastFilter2 = filter2;
   lastFilter3 = filter3;
// Dropdown Filters //
// NOTE: The order of the filter functions are important; lastFilter1, lastFilter2, lastFilter3 //
export function dropdown1_change(event, $w) {
 filter($w("#dropdown1").value, lastFilter2, lastFilter3);

export function dropdown2_change(event, $w) {
 filter(lastFilter1, $w("#dropdown2").value, lastFilter3);

export function dropdown3_change(event, $w) {
 filter(lastFilter1, lastFilter2, $w("#dropdown3").value);

You can use the following code to reset all filters with the onClick of a reset button.

For any pre-filtered inputs, change the “undefined” values to your pre-filtered values.

export function resetbutton_click(event, $w) { 
$w("#dropdownfilter").value = undefined; 
$w("#searchbar").value = undefined; 