Wanting to become expert in wix code

hey guys this is Hameed dev i am wix developer but not expert like i can’t do the API for my client or big customization . if there anyone who have tutorial or guidance that how i can be expeert in wix code

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To become an EXPERT in Wix/VELO-CODE → you can study the complete VELO-API-DOCs.

Once you have understood every single elements or APP designed by Wix, you will be able to solve every ISSU (almost). Why almost?

Because there is much more then just VELO-CODE to know about.

Good luck.

Do you have any YouTube channel

Yes you tube is a possible START for learning.

But better is —> LEARNING-BY-DOING !

Where to start?

If you are a total NEWBIE in the world of coding, i would suggest you first to learn BASICS, like…

  1. What is a VARIABLE → (var, let) ?

  2. What is an CONSTANTE → (const) ?

  3. What is an ARRAY ? →

  4. What is an OBJECT ? → { }

  5. What are OPERATORS?

  6. What are METHODS and FUNCTIONS ?

  7. What is a SYNTAX ?

  8. What are APIs ?

  9. What are NPM-Packages?

  10. Where is the difference between HTML, JS and CSS?

  11. What is CSS ?

  12. What is HTML?

  13. And so on… and so on…

Once you are familiar with all these stuff, you can dive deeper inspecting all the VELO-ELEMENTS

  1. What are Dropdowns and how do they work ?
  2. What are Gallaries and how do they work?
  3. What are DATASETS and how do they work ?
  4. What is CMS ?
  5. What is are SELECTION-TAGS and how do they work ?
  6. What is a lighbox and how does it work?
  7. and so on…

Pick the most commen elements first and study them and all their options and possibilities.

You will find enough learning stuff for each of provided ELEMENT and TOPIC in the web by asking PAPA-GOOGLE for some INPUT.

Once you are good enough (will take about 1-3 years → depending on how fast and intensive you will learn) → you can expand your knowledge to create your own solutions, where you will need even more knowledge, diving deeper and deeper into the world of CODING.

I started from → 0 ← by reading every single POST inside this FORUM, reconstructing, regenerating and solving ISSUES of others. This is also a very good LEARNING-STRATEGY → because you will encounter a lot of different issues and problems in a big variety of different segments in the coding world.

For example typing in → russian-dima ← on google, you will find…
2024-08-16 12_33_42-russian dima - Google Suche

Take a look onto my beginnings and how i managed to become a better CODER, month by month.

Search for You-Tube-Tutorials regarding → WIX - VELO, you will find enough stuff.

This is a very old stuff, but it will show you a possibility to learn effectively.

That’s impressive. I appreciate your help . I am good in learning but just wanting what I have to do for it thanks for the help if you want to anything more I will be thankful

Hey Justin!

There are a number of great channels on YouTube that can help you learn more about Velo.
My personal favourite is The Wix Wiz by @thewixwiz that has a hoard of in-depth tutorials and courses on Velo. I’d highly recommend that you check it out:

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Just want to hop in and say I love this topic :heart: Proud to be part of such a supportive community - those are great and valuable resources for @iffikhaniffi470 to start with - thanks for sharing @CODE-NINJA and @Pratham!

@iffikhaniffi470 - there’s also the community too! We’re here for any questions you have in your journey :muscle:


What kind of API are you referring to? Is it a Wix API or 3rd party? Also what kind of customization are you looking to do?

Everyone else in the thread is right, the best way to learn is by doing. I would start off with simple customizations and practice on solving those problems. A big thing to consider through all of this is mastering JS take years… You can get the basics down relatively quick if you practice but to truly master something will take lots of practice.

Eventually, your logic should not be on making the “code work”, rather you need to make the code scalable.

Look into the Velo Certification courses. Once you’re familiar take the exam. If you pass this test then you are dangerous enough with Velo.

Thanks to all of you really appreciate the suggestions

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