So the Email templates we have in Wix Email Marketing are very … basic. It’s on the list for the dev teams I’m sure. But in the mean time. What is a good way to use Wix Email Marketing and not make it look like a April Fools Day joke?
Can we import HTML? What are some great ways you guys have used Wix Email Marketing as it is now?
Elaborate more on your issue.
- First show a complete e-mail-marketing-setup you do not like.
- Show in detail, what you would like to change or customize.
- Show your wished end-result including all little details.
Usage of HTML or even CSS → well i think possible, as soon as i know what exactly you are working on.
Thanks for the quick response, friend. The templates as they are are very limiting, I was just on a chat support with the Wix folks, and things that I want aren’t possible apparently - but I’ve been on both ends of the ‘Up-training’ game, so … I know how that goes sometimes, it’s hard to keep on top of all the new features and etc.
One … I need more customizing in formatting like, right and left align in columns. I’ll send a screenshot in a sec …
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Background options for columns, would be ideal too. And even more border control in each cell … in the screenshot attached … If I wanted the brown border to extend down around other cells, I could just turn the border of the bottom to 0, and adjust the top to 0 on the next element, to make it appear that there’s one border around them all … like if Sauron was to develop this, he would totally have that option. He was a little before his time.
Ok, I have to admit that I don’t fully understand you yet, you speak in riddles. Don’t forget that we could use the same editor, but our paths would be completely different.
While you work on the surface (Wix editor and all it’s stuff), I work in the UNDERGROUND (CODING), so to speak. It would be nice to find out exactly what elements you use and what your individual steps have been so far.
I need a starting point to be able to understand your issue completely.
If you’re talking about Sauron (whoever he is, we don’t know), maybe this one…
(…maybe not…)
…then it’s all very nice to read, but from a technical perspective, unfortunately your information still didn’t get me anywhere.
I assume you’re working in the Wix Studio editor? Let’s summarize a few facts.
1) editor —> Wix Studio
2) used elements —> templates from Wix Marketing
3) issue —> not customizable enough
A comment on this…
The templates as they are are very limiting
All Wix-Out-Of-The-Box elements are → restricted in some way. So if you really want to generate or change something according to your needs and desires, you will have to resort to CODE.
Maybe you can prepare a new blank-site-setup, showing your issue, i can join and take a look at? You can invite me →
So i can investigate the problem directly on your example-setup.
Yes … you’re right … I type like a talk … and you’re not the first to struggle with me.
Yes … that is Sauron. There is a geek out there laughing right now.
But I digress.
Maybe there is some option that I’m not aware of … I’m using the out of the box templates, maybe that’s my problem. I didn’t know there were other choices. I’ll do some digging on that now. Thanks.
Yes, it is already the problem, but maybe workarounds could be possible to be generated.