I haven’t used WIX for a long time, but I am amazed, how simple it is to create a website with WIX.
I have my website up and running but I have one question about creating a form. I have created my own custom form, where people should be able to make an inquiry about spare car parts. (After the inquiry we find the parts and deliver them to the person that made the inquiry) Everything is set up. The e-mails are coming through send grid and everything seems to work well.
My question is.
Is there any possibility to re-design the input to somekind of an understandable way, so the user input values are just not lined under each other when I gert the user input on my e-mail when they have submitted the form?
" Is there any possibility to re-design the input to somekind of an understandable way, so the user input values are just not lined under each other when I gert the user input on my e-mail when they have submitted the form? "
Eric, do I understand correctly that the layout of the email is bothering you? If so, changing the input form won´t help: you have to make the data that are sent to the email more readable.
Because there are many email clients out there, all supporting their own subset of html, I would suggest you fall back onto old html (like 3.2) and use tables, you know,
, in order to have an email that looks more like your input form.
In my experience, steering away from CSS and just use old html tables works pretty good on most email clients.
I tried to set up the Triggered e-mails, but it doesn’t help me with my problem, or I’m just doing something wrong. I need to send these e-mails to people who have submitted my form not just visited my site. I don’t have members on my site.
Hi Erik,
The code that you currently added above sends an Email notification to the email added by the site visitor who submitted the form. Isn’t it what you were referring?
Yes, I have a working solution at the moment with SendGrid. But I would like that the person who fills out the form would get a simple e-mail notification. Right now they are receiving the e-mail with the filled form information (as shown above).
I tried , but I wasn’t able to get the triggered e-mail solution to work with my custom form.