A newbie and I am using Wix with Corvid. I followed the example from exporting a collection to json data provided by wix. I have admin-limited privileges. The collection has permission set at form-submission (I tried all permissions to see if that made a difference and no joy). But when I test the function I get back:

I can’t find any links that give info on error messages for Corvid or in Firebase domain. Any assistance is appreciated.

Test link: http://www.circleapp.travel/_functions-dev/syncUsers

Follow up - example code:
export function get_syncUsers(request) {
let options = {
“headers”: {
“Content-Type”: “application/json”
“suppressAuth”: true
return wixData.query(“mobile_users”, options)
.then(results => {
if (results.items.length > 0) {
options.body = {
items: results.items
return ok(options);
options.body = {
error: “No data available for view”
return notFound(options);
. catch ((error) => {
options.body = {
error: error
return serverError(options);

What example did you follow? What are you doing with Firebase?

I need to sync the website users with the mobile app, so I need to dump the chat user table from the website into the mobile app tables for now. I followed the examples from this link: https://support.wix.com/en/article/corvid-exposing-a-site-api-with-http-functions , just modified the find to return all records. I am assuming the collections are firebase based.

did you find the answer?
I have {“error”:{“name”:“Error”,“errorGroup”:“User”,“code”:“WD_PERMISSION_DENIED”,“level”:“warn”}} also

I’ve got the same problem. Did anybody find out what WD_PERMISSION_DENIED means?


You can’t access or read data if you don’t have the proper permission to do so, you can however bypass the permissions.

Take a look at this tutorial: How to bypass permissions and hooks .

Hope this helps~!