Web Stories Google

I would like to create Web stories on Google to increase my organic traffic. I researched that there are several plugins and videos on the internet using WordPress, but I couldn’t find any that talk about Wix. How can I perform these same tasks from WordPress on Wix for creating Web stories from the posts on my blog without having to waste time doing everything manually?

Wix Editor,

That is because Wordpress has a built in Web Stories editor. There are many 3rd party apps that are Web Stories editors also (that are not tied to a specific platform). You can use any of the editors. They don’t “get your content” to “instantly create a web story”. You still have to design it and add content. In other words, you still have to do everything manually.

So there is not really a big difference whether you use the WP WebStories plugin or not. It is really just a short cut to the open their specific Web Stories app.

If you’ve never created Web Stories before then you should probably do a little more research on Google. Here is a link to Google’s docs on Web Stories:

(I don’t know why it did not detect English as the primary language, but you can switch the language after landing on that Google doc.)

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