WEBSITE shows up as a blank white page

My page just shows up as a white blank page for some reason.

There is nothing wrong in the editing and preview page but it just shows up as a white page on the published website

Below is the address

I would appreciate it if you could look in to this issue ASAP


Hi, the site does not show up blank for me. Screenshot attached of what I’m seeing. Please let me know if you are still having this problem.

Similarly, I’m able to see the site on my end.

I can also see your site - it looks great! But I’m having the same issue where my site is showing up as a blank white page, even after clearing cookies/cache. Did you finally figure out what was causing this?

Did anyone get this solved? I just observed it on a customers Iphone 15 Pro. They tried two differnet browsers and both didnt work at my site. Https:// it seem tk be a problem after they try to login. It works on other parts of the site and other devices with no problem.

I just tried it and it your site works for me on chrome (both desktop and ios mobile) and on safari (ios mobile)

same issue here-

No issue in the preview, but white when published


I’m having the same issue at – blank white when published.

Any fix?


I am also experiencing the same issue now. I see thats its happening to other users at this moment as well. There might be something wrong with Wix hosting right now?


Same problem! The published site it ALL white.
First I tried to a previous versions which published and displayed with out luck. Then I searched for this problem and foun this thread.
Same for me… while editing, everything looks fine and the preview looks fine, but when viewing with the TEST site option, it is ALL white.

Experiencing the same issue on my site

when i try load it, it just comes up as a white screen on all devices.

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lol crazy we all ended up here same time


Same. White screen. All browsers. No surprise. WIX is a nightmare. I regret ever using them.

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same thing, website: blank white.

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Same here!
Complete white.

There’s something wrong with Wix hosting every second of every day.

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Same is happening here just a few minutes ago. I can edit the page, but the website is non functional. White page.

Report the problem here:

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