Whats the best way to display 17 different flavour options of varying quantities in a shop?

Hi everyone,

I’m creating a baked treat website. Basically they are mailed treat boxes which contain 4, 6, 8 or 12 brownies, but you can specify a different flavour for each of the 4, 6, 8 or 12 that you pick. So potentially a box of 4 could contain 4 different brownie flavours (of which there are 17!) and any combination there of i.e one of one flavour + three of another, two of one flavour + two of another etc…completely customisable.

I thought I could achieve this by making each bake quantity (4,6,8,12) a separate product and have that number of options for each bake. Each option you could select one of the 17 flavours. So for example:

Product is “4 Bake Box”, options are Bake 1, Bake 2, Bake 3 and Bake 4 and each option you can choose from 1 of the 17 different flavours which I added manually. This actually works well for the 4 and 6 boxes! The problem comes when I want to do the same for 8 and 12 because the limit is 6 product options!

I was hoping there’d be another way to acheive this WITHOUT going down the route of making customers manually input their menu choices in a manditory custom text box. Which is the only work around suggest by support.

What I’d REALLY like is there to be radial buttons and a limit to how many flavours could be picked (so if you’re on the box of 4, only 4 of the 17 radial buttons could be ticked at any one time.)

Orrr a way to edit quantity of each flavour but limit that quantity based on the number of brownie flavours available in your selected box if that makes sense!

Really hoping there’s a way I can acheive this as getting people to manually type anything would just be a nightmare.

Thanks in advance!!

That is certainly possible to realize with some custome CODE.

Did you ever find an answer to this? I am actually trying to create the same thing but not sure the best way to go about it at the moment.