Where to find main html file in corvid?

I have created a CSS stylesheet and JavaScript file in Corvid. How do I access the main html file to link these within Corvid?

Its not possible. Read a little bit about limitations of Corvid

Not understanding? How will the CSS and js file function without linking them to the html file?


If you want to use html, css, js in Wix, then you will need to combine it all together and add it through an iframe on your page.

However, note that if you use code from a third party provider, then Wix will not provide you with support as it has not tested it to make sure that it fully works on their servers etc.

You can connect the javascript that Wix uses on it’s pages to the html component to pass data to it or to pass data from the html component to the page.

However, like Shan has already posted above to you, you can’t access html code from Wix as you don’t have access to the DOM, You can only use javascript on your pages with any html, css, js going in a html iframe.