Who can set Wix Forum Moderators?

One of my clients has a forum and wants to add moderators… how can I set it up so he can set them instead of having me do it every time? Thanks!

You can do it inside the forum. Go into their profile and promote them to moderator.

Moderators have ability to setup other moderators? He’s seeing the option to do so, but it’s not taking after saving it. Probably a glitch then.

Hi there! Only admins can make other members moderators.

Moderators don’t have this ability at the moment.

Right: as Steven said, only admins can make moderators. =)

How do you make someone an admin?

@rddesignsllc That’s based on site contributor role.

Back Office Manager considered admin?

@rddesignsllc currently there can only be one admin per site. That would be the person who manages the account where the site lives.

Yikes. Not good. I can’t possibly maintain moderators for all my clients. Slight oversight on someone’s part.

So, that would be me for every site I create.