Why does my page have a funny preloader screen?

When my page loads, there is a odd preloader screen that say “Your Logo” I’d like to remove this but I don’t see it anywhere in my Header or site code.

I have a premium site.

What are you trying to achieve:
I want to delete or get ride of or edit this preloader image.

What have you already tried:
I’ve looked everywhere I can think of for a solution

Additional information:
It’s always there and sometimes makes the page load really slow causing potential customers to bounce.

You’re using Wix Studio?

I created the site with the wix editor yes. Is that considered wix studio?

No, Wix Classic is separate from Wix Studio. Only thing I can think of is you added one using code or a Wix app.

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the setting is here. just change it to none


Thanks for helping Dan!

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