Why does selection Tags not copy the design from desktop over to mobile?

I have added “selection Tags” element to my product repeater and styled it. when switching to mobile view to adjust the layout, the selection tags have not changed their design to the new one (regular, hover, disabled, selected etc).
I’ve tried hiding and unhiding in mobile view, adjusting layout and other settings both sides, deleting, basically any combination of edits to trigger the design update over to the mobile view. Aaand there is no way to access the design panel on mobile only on desktop.

Any ideas why the style would not carry over to mobile view??? This is mind boggling!

Everytime I try to do LITERALLY ANYTHING on wix, I have to deal with some inconsistent issue or problem that would be simple to do building a normal website but either requires a workaround, some janky fix or just have to put up with…
I guess it’s just another one of wixs useless breaking quirks.

Only suggestion I can give to my issue is that after styling the element on desktop, I then resized the font and layout (padding) on mobile. I assume that doing so somehow detached the mobile view style from the desktop view styling, with no way to link it again without just adding a new one and starting again.
I would suggest allowing access to the design option on mobile would help if you are going to detach an objects settings on mobile when adjusted. we can adjust the padding and margin so why not the styling…

To be clear this was only fixed by deleting the current selectionTag and starting again.