Why even use Wix blog?

I realize that the Wix blog was created to make it easy and convenient for the everyday (or every week) blogger. I know how important it is to release relevant content onto your site especially if you want to inform your site visitors or create new site visitors. Blogging seems to be an essential SEO tactic and blogs are great for releasing content updates.

But why wouldn’t I just create a page and label it blog and then create a database collection with dynamic pages. If I created my own “blog system” wouldn’t that allow me to create custom blog pages? Wouldn’t that give me the freedom to design blog pages however I want? Basically, I’m wondering if using the Wix blog application is just the novice way to blog. It seems like the Wix blog only limits me. Is there any specific reason why I would stick to the Wix blog application. What does it provide that a custom created blog system would lack. I have no issues when using the blog. I’m just trying to understand why the design limitations are in place.

Why do you use the Wix blog?


You absolutely could - And you can actually use wix corvid to design a news style page. Definitely possible. You can also use blog and then add Corvid to display it however you want. This is also definitely possible, that way you get the best of both worlds!

But if you create a database collection with dynamic pages, would that be accessible on the Wix Mobile App similar to how you can display Blogs as a separate tab?

From personal experience, yes it is the “novice way” to implement a blog, as you put it. Although for many people the blog is enough, you have a lot more possibilities by making your own. It’s a tradeoff, however since it’s much much faster and more intuitive to implement the Wix app than to develop it yourself.