Wishlist | MASTER POST

Here’s a series of wishlist features I’d love to see Editor X Feature
note: Please comment with any cool features you’d like to see!

  1. Gradient Color Picker

  2. I saw on the demo videos that you were able to create a gradient color. Would love to see this especially with color overlay gradients to transparent.

  3. Header Effects

  4. The ability to create header effects (like the current Wix Editor where you can add scroll effects to your header.

  5. | NEW | Center logo with nav menus on both sides!

  6. Create “animate/move on scroll or in view port effects” without using Corvid.

  7. Create a “timeline” feature where you select the element you want to “move” while scrolling. This timeline could be as easy as a “move object on scroll” animation. Then you can select the starting point simply by being on the scroll location on the editor. Then move the object accordingly as you scroll the page while marking the timeline for the specified element. (does that make sense?)

  8. Text Effects

  9. text effects like shadow, glow, etc.

  10. Guidelines

  11. Create guidelines using margin tools. For example I want every element to be 350 px from the left and right. This is easy per element, but to better see how the page is divided.

  12. Guidelines can be edited by pixel, inch, etc. and can turn from blue to green if they are symmetrical.

I’ll add more as my ideas come up.


Agree, top top

There was also an image filter selector back in Wix Classic Editor that allowed to quick-apply a color/effect filter to a selected image without having to open the image editor and save another image. Y’know, effects such as ‘Sepia’ ‘Anaglyph’ and ‘B/N’.
That’d b cool 2 see back in EditorX.