Wix Blocks App Alignment Not Good When Installed

Product: Wix Blocks, Wix Editor, Wix Studio

Trying to build an app using Wix Blocks. Alignment is great when previewing but is totally not good on the Wix Editor after installing. Any clues to what is wrong? Resizing the container in the Editor does not work.

Screenshots of the Wix Blocks Editor:

Screenshot of the App when installed on Wix Editor:

Is that a regular Wix site or a studio?

Is it possible because Wix blocks is now responsive and the classic editor isn’t?

Regular Wix. I was thinking the same thing.

Also, Hi! Long time no see.


Hi :blush: …. only here for a short time before I leave again for a bit. Having a baby in a couple of weeks :laughing::woman_shrugging:t2:

Maybe we need to create a non responsive version with different settings so the elements don’t move around unexpectedly?

I just tested out one of my new Wix blocks and had no problems but maybe it was because all of my elements were stacked vertically in a single column. Not two columns like yours?

I wonder if anyone else has experienced this.


Congratulations!! Wishing you the best!

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