Wix Code integration with site orders

I understand Wix Code and Wix Stores was recently integrated, but is there a way to also integrate my store orders? I want my customers to upload images/videos and view additional information about their product/order in the member’s area after they complete a purchase. If there is a way to do this through the recent update, then please advise. If there isn’t a way, then please let me know if this feature is in the works. Thanks


We are working on opening our Orders api - it’s going to take some time.
But for now, you can create a custom product page and to let customer add images, text etc. You will be able by using the “Add to cart” function https://www.wix.com/code/reference/$w.CartIcon.html to write the text or the image url as a string on the order details. Then, it will be shown on Thank you page, confirmation email, My orders etc.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


That’s great to know. Thanks for the help!

Also, can you guide me to where I would be able to find code so that if someone adds a quantity or selects a product variant so that it would change price?