Wix Color Palette API

This API would allow to get and set the site’s current color palette using Wix Corvid.

The main reason for this request is to be able to make a dark theme option or even other themes for my site. I know there’s already a post on this matter ( https://www.wix.com/corvid/forum/corvid-tips-and-updates/example-dark-mode-switch ) but it has several problems like not being able to change for example the background color of a button when it’s hovered or the fact the 90+ lines of code will slow down the site.

The API would make things much easier . You make your site based on a color palette and then proceed to make another color palette. Then the API let’s you switch between them. I would think it like this:

To the right is a screenshot of the Site Colors . The API basically has access to the Color Palettes . It allows you to get or change the Site Colors to a specific palette you’ve created.

Getting the current palette:

var curPalette = wixColor.getCurrentPalette();
// returns the index of the Color Palette. Starts at 0.

Setting the current palette:

wixColor.setCurrentPalette(1).then(() => {
}).catch((error) => {

IMPORTANTE NOTE: When changing the color palette, it creates a new a Cookie which stores the Current Color Palette. It’s not a universal/global thing, it affects only the current computer/user. I hope I made myself clear.

I don’t think this is too complicated, so please add this feature!

Feedback/Suggestions are always welcome.

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Hell Yeah!