wix-data > query().contains().find() not returning results from the "description" field on the "Stores/Products" collection

Hello Community,

I am using wix-data > query().contains().find() to return results from the default " Stores/Products " collection. Every field I have tried works fine except no matter what search term I send against the " description " field, I get 0 results.

export async function startSearch(searchItem) {
 const resultsName = await wixData.query("Stores/Products").contains("name", searchItem).find();
 const resultsDescription = await wixData.query("Stores/Products").contains("description", searchItem).find();
 console.log(resultsName.items) //this works great
 console.log(resultsDescription.items) // despite search terms that should return results based on my product descriptions this is always an empty array

Based on this documentation and the Corvid Reference guide, I know the contains() function should work against the “description” field:

So far I have tried:

  • Switching my asynchronous function back to a synchronous one, same 0 results returned

  • Created a new collection with a similar rich text field and query against that instead using contains(), this worked, but it doesn’t fix my problem as I need to query the “Stores/Products” collection

  • Cleared out and added simple text to a product’s “description” field in the web UI to confirm my broken query results didn’t have something to do with the RTF having odd formatting from the initial data upload. Same 0 results after this.

  • Tried chaining the query to the working one with the or() function. Same results from running the “name” query alone.

I found a few similar threads, but I was not able to get any clarity from them:

My editor link: https://editor.wix.com/html/editor/web/renderer/edit/bba2b85b-dfb0-4787-bf03-9a7aaa28ed8d?metaSiteId=4b0d2801-0e37-4427-917a-b91b232000bc&editorSessionId=a889d0bc-16a7-4060-8d05-2fe6c696e539&referralInfo=dashboard

I would greatly appreciate any input. I imagine I am missing something simple.

Thank you,

Hello community, any thoughts on the above or any details I can add to help find a solution?

Thank you!

Hello, I am bumping this post again; maybe someone can suggest if there is something I can add to the post to make it more answerable? Thanks for your time,