Have you noticed yet under the marketing tools the relatively new social posts tab. What is this you may ask? This handy little tool lets you create instagram and facebook ready posts- you can pull a photo from your site e.g. your hottest new product or service, add an eye catching piece of text and bang send it to Facebook, or text it to yourself in the perfect Instagram format and be ready to upload from your phone to Instagram. Each format is the correct size for the appropriate social post. You can also download it to your computer.
So here’s an example. I have a client that has an online store. Each week we upload new products or collections. We plan a week’s worth of instagram posts around the products. So I create the instagram social posts, text them to the client and voila they upload them according to our marketing plan. Client is super happy to be able to post themselves from their phone and I don’t have to worry about getting access to their instagram account. Give it a try!
#WixSocialPosts #WixMarketingTribe