Wix Payment Multiple Items

Have the current backend code, I do however know that the createPayment function can only accept strings and not arrays for multiple items. I want to allow people to purchase more than one package?

How would I go about doing this without asking the user to pay for each item?

export const createMyPayment = webMethod(Permissions.Anyone, async (productId, quantity) => { return wixData.get("productCollection", productId) .then( (product) => { return wixPayBackend.createPayment( { items: [{ name: product.name, price: product.price, quantity: quantity }], amount: product.price * quantity } ); } ); });

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Wix Editor

I also cant make use of the wix booking system as I just want a increment value with no real item sold. Its just a increment of which my tutors can see how many lessons the parent has. Please dont tell me to use wix bookings.

items is an array that can hold multiple products, that’s the way you pass more than one product to createPayment.