Wix Restaurants. Ability to use site for franchises

Are we anywhere near this? I have a new pizza client with 3 locations, would like to option to have 1 website with “choose your location” and the order goes to that store etc.

#featurerequest #wixrestaurants

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Hi Shanna, you can vote for this feature here .

I will be passing this feedback to our team.

thanks steven. Lots of requests in the online ordering section, hopefully something comes of them soon! That one was a big one for my client and the reason I have lost clients. Just lost a pizza franchise cuz I couldn’t offer that​:roll_eyes::disappointed_relieved:

@avanidigitalwixpartn I’m really sorry to hear! I’ll be sending this feedback to our PM to see if this is something that’s currently being developed. I’ll keep you updated.

@stevenjose appreciate it! Was a big loss for me with the Pizza Gig. The way this world is now everything is take out or delivery, they have to update this app. all around.