Wix store e-commerce api and orders?

When I saw you were working to open the wix store e-commerce api I was very happy and very disapointed when I saw the result…Are there any plans on opening the orders so these could be integrated in to accounting systems (where all the other orders and logistic is handled)?


Looks like there is a big need for this from many members, but It doesn’t look like Wix has really responded on the topic yet. This is very disappointing, what would help our workflow so much!

Doesn’t seem their interested in opening up their closed world, I have given up and moved several commerce solutions out of wix. It’s 2018, we can’t live in a manual world :wink:

I’ve read somewhere in this forum that Wix is working on this. Can we have some clarification? I too am really looking forward to a robust orders API.

I was hoping for a little documentation or something concerning the wix-store pages. When you add a store, I have 5 to handle different product lines, the pages are just added to the store.collection but they didn’t release that API either. After speaking with several people, including some “experts”, I get the feeling that the vast majority of users aren’t e-commerce, or else don’t understand what e-commerce entails.

Does anyone know if there has been any movement regarding the availability of retrieving order information from a third-party?