WIX update stops websites from working

It is really concerning that wix don’t perform thorough validation tests before they update their system.

About 10 days ago they made some update which has caused certain elements of wix code to just stop functioning all together.

This shows that wix do not have a proper validation test is place before they update their system to verify that all elements of the platform are still operational.

10 days later and still no statement from wix as to what has gone wrong.

Really unprofessional and worrying for the long term future of the platform.

Agreed. I have the same issue. Code was working just fine prior to the update. I am now second guessing my decision to go with Wix. Unfortunately, we are deep into the development process. I am trying to work with Wix Support to get resolution. They just want to close the ticket and suggested that I get this forum to solve the problem. My page load time went from 10 sec (which was on me for some non optimized code) to 2 minutes and is now throwing errors on components not loading properly. I can see from the resource graph in Developers Console that processing is completing in 10 sec, as it should, then it goes dark for over 90 seconds! before it starts loading images. I think they have an image server timing/access issue. Trying to find someone that cares.

Ya I’ve lost a lot of trust in wix, it has been handled very unprofessionally and makes me concerned as to what else may go wrong future. I’m currently looking at other platforms, wordpress.org looks more reliable as is used by major companies and also seems to give a lot more functionality with plugins.

ALL of my website repeater is not working in the month !! I send the information to support team still nothing help. My page laoding time is very very long… around 3mins…sometime cannot loading the page that is blank page. I don’t this your clients will see your page again.