wixBookings.checkoutBooking(bookingInfo) issuing Error - - - Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 2

I’m attempting to create a custom payment and registration system for some courses we are offering through our website and I am really struggling to figure out what I’m doing wrong. Any help would be really appreciated. What am I doing wrong to cause these errors? What modification needs to be made to the code below to make this work? Thank you in advance!

When attempting to submit a bookings request through the wixBookings module (i.e. wixBookings.checkoutBooking(bookingInfo) ), I am getting errors that I cannot resolve.

The screen prints below show the errors. They are from the Firefox and Microsoft Edge Developer Consoles. I also logged the contents of the ’ bookingInfo ’ object in the logs prior to calling wixBookings.checkoutBooking(bookingInfo) , so you can see what is being sent during the call.

Microsoft Edge:


Here is my code. I have highlighted the call to wixBookings.checkoutBooking(bookingInfo) in RED to help make it easy to locate the relevant code. Also, note that this remains a work in progress - so there are some hard coded values in places and other comments to go back and fill in code later.

import { createToken, encodeCard, calcSubscriptionExp } from “public/stripeAPI.js” ;
import { onetimeCharge, subscriptionCharge, createCustomer } from ‘backend/stripeProxy’ ;
import { assignRole } from ‘backend/roleAssignment’ ;
import { session } from ‘wix-storage’ ;
import wixUsers from ‘wix-users’ ;
import wixBookings from ‘wix-bookings’ ;
import wixLocation from ‘wix-location’ ;
import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;

//Pull in the Pricing session variable and display on the payment input form
$w.onReady( function () {
let loadedPlanPrice = session.getItem( “clientPlanPrice” );
$w( ‘#passedAmt’ ).value = loadedPlanPrice.toLocaleString( ‘en’ );

var payment;
var custFullName;
var items = [ “price_1I5jQMGhT9A543xYJSEzsQOw” ];
var address = ;
var subscriptionLength = 42 ;
var customerEmail;
let slotOptions;
let selectedSlot;
let slotIndex;

//Payment & Subscription Function - Execute the following on ‘Submit’ button click
export function paySubmit_click(event, $w) {

/ /Disable the submit button so they can't click twice & submit two requests to the payment API 
  $w( '#paySubmit' ).disable(); 
//Retrieve some session variables (chosen plan, first name, last name) captured on an earlier form         
  **let**  planRecurr = session.getItem( "clientPlanRecurr" ); 
  **let**  custFirstName = $w( "#custFirstNm" ).value; 
  **let**  custLastName = $w( "#custLastNm" ).value; 

//Create a concatenated customer name string 
  custFullName = custFirstName.concat( " " ).concat(custLastName); 

//Determine if the customer chose the One Time Payment option or the Subscription Option  
//(planRecurr TRUE = Subscription, planRecurr FALSE = One Time) 

//Customer chose one time payment option 
  **if**  (planRecurr ===  "false" ) { 

//Create and process the customer's credit card - one time charge 
  createToken(encodeCard(createCard())).then((token) => { 
     onetimeCharge(token, createOneTimePayment()).then((chargeResponse) => { 
	//If the credit card transaction SUCCESSFUL then assign the user id to the desired  
            //security role and process the course booking 
           **if**  (chargeResponse.status ===  "succeeded" ) { 

                //Assign security role to signed in User ID 
                   **let**  user = wixUsers.currentUser; 
                   **let**  customerID = user.id; 
                       .then((resultsStatus) => { 
             			//Enter More code here to complete booking 
                         } ); 
	}  **else**  { 
           	//If the credit card transaction FAILED then return error to input screen  
		//and enable Submit button 
				//Enter more code here to reset payment input screen with ERROR 
//Customer choose Subscription Option 

else {
//Create and process the customer’s credit card - subscription charge
createToken(encodeCard(createCard())).then((token) => {

         //Since subscription chosen, create a customer in Stripe using Stripe API 
            customerEmail = $w( "#custEmail" ).value; 
            createCustomer(customerEmail, createCustDetails()).then((id) => { 
            **let**  item = {  "customer" : id,  "items[0][plan]" : items,  "cancel_at" :   							 
                calcSubscriptionExp(subscriptionLength) } 

        //Create and process the customer's credit card - subscription charge with  
        //subscription expiration 
            subscriptionCharge(token, item).then((chargeResponse) => { 

                  //If the credit card transaction SUCCESSFUL then assign the user id to the 
                  //desired security role and process the course booking 
                       **if**  (chargeResponse.status ===  "active" ) { 

                                    //Assign security role to signed in User ID 
                                     **let**  user = wixUsers.currentUser; 
                                     [**let**](let customerID = user.id;
                    ) [ customerID = user.id;](let customerID = user.id;
                        			.then((resultsStatus) => { 

						//Enroll customer in selected Course using WIX Bookings 
						//Get thet available slots from the Bookings entry 
								"61f446d7-b59b-42cd-962a-d775c6947669" )  
									.then((availability) => { 

							//Set slots = the slot object returned 
								**let**  slots = availability.slots 

							//Set the Name & Email values on the Bookings Form  
							//Fields.  First create the formFieldValues array with  
							//the _id & value for each field 
								**let**  formFieldValues = [{ 
								"_id" :  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001" , 
								"value" : custFullName 
								"_id" :  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002" , 
								"value" : customerEmail 

							//create the bookingInfo (Slot Object + Form Field Values)  
							// to pass to the checkoutBookings method 
									**let**  bookingInfo = { 
										"slot" : slots, 
										"formFields" : formFieldValues 

                                        					.then((results) => { 
                                            					$w("#confirmationText").value = `Booking ID:  
										${results.bookingId} Status: ${results.status}`; 

				//If bookings is successful, hide the payment fields  
				//on the input form and display a Thank You. 
                                    $w( '#paymentFields' ).hide; 

				//Enter Thank You logic here 

                }  **else**  { 
		 //If the credit card transaction FAILED then return error to  
		//input screen and enable Submit button 

				//Enter more code here to reset payment input screen with ERROR 
