WixData.query().eq() does not work any more with special characters

Hi everyone,

In the backend of my website, I have a function that get a list of element from a collection with the function WixData.query.eq().

result = await wixData.query(‘tabObservations’).eq(‘excursion’, requestBody.excursion).eq(‘observateur’, requestBody.observateur).find();

Until now, my code was working well even with special char in the string “requestBody.excursion”. But since few days the function return no element for all my request with special characters.

I would like to know if anyone also had this problem recently and if we can imagine that it is due to a recent update from Wix and if that could be fix soon.


Best place to report this is customer care: Contact Wix

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Thank’s Anthony ! I made a ticket. I’ll reply to this post when I have more information.

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Thank’s to the support the bug have been solved and wixData.query().eq() works again with special characters.