wixPay - Questions

I’m playing around with the wixPay Api and have it working (following the Wix examples). I have it set up using dynamic content and on dynamic pages etc. Just a few questions.

Is it possible to customise the confirmation email that is sent? I haven’t got round to testing with an actual payment. What does the confirmation email look like? Does it come from Wix or my email address?

After the payment is received, what happens. Do I receive a notification as site owner? What paperwork is associated with a payment for accounting purposes? How can I view details of the payment and what was bought?

Is it possible to store details of successful payments in a database so I can review them? What would be the initial steps to achieving this?

I know there are quite a few questions here, so no worries if you don’t answer them all. Thanks in advance

Hello! So… I would say that I think you can accomplish all of the things you are asking but the how may vary by use case. I’ll link a few articles to start that you may have not run into yet but I think it will be difficult to offer concrete advice just yet. However, perhaps someone else who sees this post and has used the Pay API more extensively will offer some ideas as well

Are you using Wix Bookings? There is an article about how to set up notifications and also how to send yourself a test email so you can see what’s up.

This Velo tutorial may help answer your database question:
Velo Tutorial: Using the Velo Pay API to Collect Payments for Products in a Database Collection

As for your question about notifications, check out the Notifications API and see if you can set up whatever custom notifications you like through there

Awesome! Thanks for the help. I work as a web designer so would love to create my own template store to display my site templates and then sell them.

The way that I am setting it up is the following.

Dynamic pages. (ALL) page to display all the templates and add filters etc. (Title) page to include additional information. On the (Title) page I have a button that initiates the payment. That is all working correctly.

Before I start putting actual money through the system, I’m wondering what happens next. On successful payment, where can I view which template they bought, the contact details to invite them to their template etc?

That sounds like a great idea!

So if you are using Wix Stores, there should already be something built in to be able to see what orders are fulfilled or not, paind/unpaid, what buyer ,etc. Check this out and see if that’s what you were envisioning.

Wix Stores Fulfilling Orders

So, I’m not actually using the Wix Store at the moment. I’m building my own :sweat_smile: . I know that it would probably be easier to use the Wix Store

I’m not new to code, but not an expert, so trying to continue learning about the different API’s on personal projects rather than client sites

Ahhhh. So, you will need to set up your own collection/collections that will have all the information. you would want in it for your orders (who, what did they buy, payment fulfilled, order shipped, etc)

Then when completing different tasks with your API you can also update your tables. Like say a payment is received, update your fulfillment collection to say paid/unfulfilled or something like that.

Definitely make sure to read where to put all your logic for payments and how to secure your collections so that any payment info is secure.

Definitely more work this way, but I’m sure you can make it happen. If it were me, I would start by thinking about your data structure first. What is all the information you will need to capture and how do you want to organize it. Then work on hooking up the API calls for payments so that they update your collections and send your notifications accordingly.

Thanks for the pointers. I’m continuing to work on it.

Just a quick question. Does Wix have the ability to test payments without actually taking any payments, essentially dummy cards. I know other platforms have the ability. Otherwise every time you want to test a payment, it’ll just become a pain

Currently this feature is in development.

What other users have done as a workaround is doing very small payments with a paypal account (or whatever you are testing with) and then setting the item to it’s real price once you are ready to go live.

Amazing! Thank you for all the help. Finally, is there any ETA on the feature?

The latest information I have is that the feature won’t be released until later this year. Dev priorities are constantly reassessed and can change so I can’t say anything more specific at the moment.