Working with Repeaters

Hello everyone. I have a client who is looking to add a countdown to a repeater, but because I am using the Content Manager is there a way to add a different countdown to each repeater? Ideally I’d love to create a table, but as far as I know, tables are not yet available on Editor X.

Any help is appreciated!

I’m thinking about adding iFrame to each item, just in case you want to, still iFrame should not repeat itself in each item
but it won’t be data connectable

@Rob mate, any ideas on this? :sweat_smile:

If I understood your question correctly, you can do it with some Velo code.
Here is code example:

$w.onReady(function () {

function initListRepeater() {

    $w('#listRepeater').forEachItem(($item, itemData, index) => {
        $item('#repItemIndex').text = `${++index}`;

If your Repeater is connected to Dataset, you need to change the “forEachItem” to “onItemReady”.

And the video:

Thanks for the video, will try this out :+1: