Youtube video slowing down page

Hi I want to build a news style site with lots of video content from youtube embedded but everything seems to go super slow as soon as I have more than a few videos. Is there anything I can do to speed the page loading up?

Wix Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
I want a news page that loads up fast even if I have to use 3rd party app to do it

What have you already tried:
Looked in help, read articles and watched some videos but no luck

Additional information:
[Include any other pertinent details or information that might be helpful for people to know when trying to answer your question.]

Hi, @user5012 !!

I haven’t tried it yet, so I’m not sure if it will be effective, but how about creating a setup where only thumbnail images are displayed initially, and the videos are loaded when the images are clicked? You could implement this using a repeater, for example. :grin:

By the way, it seems that YouTube thumbnail images can be retrieved using URLs like this:

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Awesome suggestion . Thanks so much

I’d like to try it myself someday, so please let me know if it works! :wink: