Wix Studio websites load slowly on Safari - anyone else experience this?

Has anyone else experienced Wix Studio websites being slow to the point of being unusable in Safari?

Wix Studio

What are you trying to achieve:
I run a small marketing agency, and we’ve used Wix for years to build client websites.

With the launch of Wix Studio, we’ve built our own website in the new platform ahead of ideally moving old and new clients to it. However, the site speed we’re getting with safari means this is not an option.

Currently, with our own website, it takes about 10 seconds for the first contentful paint, and then a further minute for the website to be in any way usable. Note, the same site in Chrome, Edge, Firefox etc. loads perfectly fine.

This seems to be an issue between Wix Studio & Safari, because any original Wix sites I have built load normally in that browser.

What have you already tried:
Thinking it was us building a poorly optimised, I have followed all the usual Wix advice (see the below list) to no avail.

  • Optimising images before upload to Wix
  • Simplying elements
  • Reducing number of images
  • Getting rid of videos
  • Reducing elements on a page

But I am now out of options for making tweaks: simply, I now believe the issue is with Wix Studio.

Has anyone else encountered this? Does anyone have any advice? Is Wix aware and working on a fix?

Until it’s resolved, I cannot recommend Wix Studio to clients and may well have to bail to Webflow.

We had a similar sounding issue a while ago and it was due to a Slideshow Repeater. Do you have any of these on your page?


It sounds like you’re experiencing frustrating performance issues with Wix Studio, and you’re not alone in noticing slower load times. It’s important to keep in mind that Wix Studio is still evolving, and some performance issues may arise depending on different browsers.

Here are some things you can try to improve performance:

  • Optimize Images: While you mentioned optimizing images, make sure you’re using modern formats like WebP, which can reduce file sizes without compromising quality.

  • Lazy Load Content: Ensure that lazy loading is enabled for images and videos so that they only load when they come into the user’s view. This can significantly improve initial load times.

  • Reduce Render-Blocking Resources: Check if there are any unnecessary scripts or CSS that may be blocking content from appearing quickly. Reducing render-blocking resources can speed up the page’s first contentful paint.

  • Clear Browser Cache: Sometimes, clearing the browser cache in Safari can resolve issues, especially if old content is being loaded that causes delays.

If you’ve already tried these optimizations and are still facing issues, I would recommend giving Website Speedy a try. This app is specifically designed to improve site speed on Wix and optimize Core Web Vitals automatically.

You can install it from the Wix App Market here: https://www.wix.com/app-market/websitespeedy

It’s easy to set up (just 5 minutes!) and comes with a 14-day free trial, so you can test it out and see how it impacts your site’s performance.

I am facing the same issues too. Both on Safari and Chrome, especially on the Editor, which is slow and keep refreshing. I hope something has got a solution to this?

I ran into the same general problem, Safari not performing as it should compared to other browsers. Something has changed recently and messed everything up. Everything is slow and clumsy. The rendering of the page does not translate well in Safari, a huge gap compared to other browsers.

A big problem for me, clients complain about existing sites that worked great