I just noticed that we can now connect to Zapier. However, I followed the instructions in this article https://support.wix.com/en/article/connecting-your-automations-with-a-third-party-app but could not find the 3rd part app in my automations. Is there a reason for that?
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I just tried this as well.
Hoping they get this figured out, I don’t see it in mine either
Hey Evan, in order to connect your Wix Automations to third-party apps, you must first enable Corvid. Did you enable?
@annahelise Yes I did enable corvid, it brings me to the corvid editor. However i cannot find instructions after that to complete the process. It just looks like a different version of the editor to me
@mdcrsolutions Where are you from?
@annahelise Gulf Coast of Florida
@mdcrsolutions So we suggest you to schedule a call with our support team so they go over the steps with you. Let us know how it went =)