Zapier Webhook publishing old data into AirTable

hi guys, I have a simple Zapier Webhook from a customized CMS form in Wix Studio, which is successfully populating from a web form, however the webhook is currently populating old data into my AirTable.

It appears I need my Webhook to reset every time new data inputted into my CMS form.

Any help would be appreciated.

thanks Simon

Product:[quote=“johnnystephens, post:1, topic:35736, full:true”]
I’ve tested my custom WIX forms over and over and the data i enter in the form populates in the dataset fields on my computer and phone…

however when i had 2 friends test the form an hour ago, there data is not showing up as captured.

Any suggestions? Im not sure i understand why i can do it but they can not.

Wix Studio

What are you trying to achieve:
[Explain the details of what you are trying to achieve. The more details you provide, the easier it is to understand what you need.]

What have you already tried:
I’ve already tried to troubleshoot, run questions in Google and Perplexity

How are you sending the webhook? Through code or wix automations?

For old data, check your zapier interface and see the data that is being sent out to airtabel

Wix automations via a Zapier zap

check data being transferred at each step and you should be able to determine it \