A form can edit from members

Hi everyone,

I am trying to create a input form for MEMBERS ONLY, is below setting fine?

After i set the permission to Member only, how can i create a login function at the Front-end? like the forum that people can only post and edit after login.

Also i wish to allow menbers to edit the data as well, do i need to create another form to allow them to edit? Use the forum as another example, after people submit the article on the forum, there is a function for member to edit their article which have been posted before.

The permissions are good for updating. This article will be helpful.
Please update your progress.

thx for all ur advice :slight_smile:


I think the article you sent to me was talking about update the profile information of the user.
I wish to set up a function to let members to edit the database.
Can u give me some ideas how could that be done please? its like when you post something on Ebay to sell, and u can edit the detail of the post

I also need the same . Basically i have a form the data is created of taht form and only member can fill that form … as they submit the data is added to that database … and member can edit their our form as well

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