Hi everyone,
I am trying to create a input form for MEMBERS ONLY, is below setting fine?
After i set the permission to Member only, how can i create a login function at the Front-end? like the forum that people can only post and edit after login.
Also i wish to allow menbers to edit the data as well, do i need to create another form to allow them to edit? Use the forum as another example, after people submit the article on the forum, there is a function for member to edit their article which have been posted before.
The permissions are good for updating. This article will be helpful.
Please update your progress.
I think the article you sent to me was talking about update the profile information of the user.
I wish to set up a function to let members to edit the database.
Can u give me some ideas how could that be done please? its like when you post something on Ebay to sell, and u can edit the detail of the post
I also need the same . Basically i have a form the data is created of taht form and only member can fill that form … as they submit the data is added to that database … and member can edit their our form as well
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