About the Multi-Service Appointments Beta

You can now enable your clients to take bookings for multiple services in a single appointment. This way, they can optimize their schedule, upsell additional services and allocate resources more efficiently—while offering a more convenient customer experience.

Once a customer selects all the services they want and sets their preferences, the calendar automatically calculates availability and offers relevant time slots for the entire appointment. Your clients can then manage the booking from the Members Area.

To offer multi-service appointments, turn on the multi-service appointment toggle under Bookings settings in the site dashboard.

We’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback in this category :slight_smile:

Multi-Service Appointments Beta


Why can’t I enable this on my clients’ sites with premium accounts?
There is no such option

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Hi @Yuliia_Yakubivska , Ireen from Bookings - how are you?
As we have just started the rollout we’ve opened it just for the Partners Beta. Are you registered for the Beta program? (trying to troubleshoot why you can see it)

To enable beta:
Studio Workspace> News Center> Beta Tab> Manage Beta settings> Check toggle is on

Either way - please share your clients’ sites and I would be happy to enable it!

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