Adding product images in dynamic store page

I have to create dynamic pages for all of my products because I need different elements on each page, and WIX automatically applies changes to all pages.
So in dynamic page I am creating a template and connecting it to products in my database. BUT I have 3 images (1 main image, then 2 other images) associated with each product and I cannot seem to connect all 3 images. It only connects the first image. Does anyone know how to get around this?
screenshot is the REGULAR STORE PAGE, that I am trying to replicate into a DYNAMIC page (see the 3 images)

Thank you

Have a read of Wix Stores own support pages

The images only change when they have the mouse moved over them.
Your product images appear according to the order in which you added them:
Main image: This is the first image you add . It appears in the product gallery.
Alternate image: The second image added . It is displayed when you hover over the product in the product gallery.
Additional images: These are displayed as thumbnails on the product page. Your customers can click them to view the full image.

if you want to do different options, then have a look at this tutorial.

I am only seeing the option for main image. There is no alternate image or additional image? I will check out the link, thanks so much,

Also, have a look at the actual Wix Stores Product Collection itself.

All the images that you upload to your Wix Stores Product using the Wix Stores App UI is available in your Products Collection under the field key ‘mediaItems’ which is an array.

You can retrieve the array and then push the data (image src) into a repeater or gallery as you wish.

Thank you!