Allow a client to cancel a Plan/Membership on their own

At the moment, when someone wants to stop paying for a rolling Plan/Membership, they need to contact admin so that we can delete their membership, and avoid the next payment.
Is there any chance we would be able to give our members/clients the freedom to cancel their subscription whenever they want? (This could be restricted to “X” days of notice, or done straight when clicking “cancel my subcription”)

As admin, we are able to cancel client’s subscriptions online, through out dashboard, but not on wix app. It would also be handy if we would be able to cancel other’s subscription through the app.

Thank you!


Thanks for the feedback.
First you already have the option to cancel subscription through the Wix App.
Go to app Dashboard>> Paid Plans>> Purchased tab>> tap a specific purchase there>> 3 dots at the top>> there you have the option to cancel.
Regarding giving this option to members- we’ll add it to our queue.

Hi Noa, thank you very much! I didn’t realize that I could cancel through the app, and that’s great to know!
Yes please! Where will this feature request be so I can vote for it?

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Hello Noa,

It feels like there is an update due regarding the paid plans app. Are there any timeline estimates regarding a new version of this app? Doesn’t have to be exact but are we taking next couple of months or sometime later this year, or next year perhaps?

Just the cancellation piece alone is a huge piece when dealing with customer interactions and user management, but there are also various other pieces of this app which require a serious overhaul.

Many thanks, talk to you soon.

Kind regards,


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Yes I agree with this. There are many things i feel are pushed out to quick and then abandoned. Understand that it is important for you guys to make money however, when you look at our site building, think of it like if on how you guys would want your site to be for us users. Image a world where we had to contact you with 50,000+ accounts asking for account changes. We need this option soon!!!

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Thanks for the feedback.
We’re constantly trying to improve our products, same with Paid Plans.
We’ll keep you updated.

@yela_501 You can find it here . Please Vote and you will be notified when the feature will go out.

@antanasd Thank you for sending the link back!

I hate to be rude, but I mean, is this a joke? Why on Earth can’t customers/members manage their own accounts? It shouldn’t be up to us as the page designers to do this sort of thing, for one. Two, I can’t even easily find where I can cancel a member’s account. Three, I’ve had a couple of issues regarding payments and how they function, and I always get a response back from Wix in the affect of “You can do it manually”. Why should I be doing all this stuff manually? What are we paying Wix all this money for? I have enough to do with my site, let alone my life outside of this. Four, what if something happens to me? What if I become paralyzed? What if I die? My customers are just going to keep paying and paying even though I am not updating my page at all, with no way to cancel? I’ve never heard of such a thing. I don’t even understand why this is something that should be voted on. This should have been implemented prior to Wix even allowing us to create pages and granting members access. I’m truly baffled.

@Martin Martyr I am sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with Paid Plans. I would love to talk to you about your problems. Please contact me at antanasd at so that we could schedule a call. Kind regards,

I am so sorry, but this is so true. Members should be able to cancel their paid plans, it just makes sense. Image if you have to deal with every one you have on WIX, wanting to cancel their plans, but they can’t do it on their end, so you have to do it manually for them. You wouldn’t be able to focus on the hard work you have to do to make this platform better, because you would be consuming so much time dealing with admin! That’s why we need this feature really soon!

Can’t believe this is still not possible to allow customers to update/ cancel their plans. I will have no other option than to stop using Wix then… I am still shocked Wix doesn’t allow this

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I agree 100%. This is absolutely asinine that Wix chooses not to implement this standard and fundamental necessity into their list of features. Not only does this make Wix looks bad, but it makes us as website creators look bad. Our customers do not realize that this is something that Wix refuses to add, but they think that it is on us. Everything that we do or don’t do on our websites come back to us, and the fact that Wix is dragging their feet on a function that could take a matter of hours to implement, shows their true lack of professionalism and their unwillingness to provide us with an adequate business model. I will be discontinuing my Wix account as well if this is not implemented in the next few weeks. Done playing games with my business and my customer’s hard earned money. Completely unacceptable!

We are working on My Plans feature that would allow to view and manage (cancel) orders for members in Members area. In the meantime, we have released Corvid API that allows to create a custom page that would show plans and cancel them.
You can read the documentation here .
Way to allow site members to cancel their own orders:

  1. For the members to be able to cancel their orders first you’ll need to be able to show them the orders so they could choose what to cancel. Way to have orders’ data is to save it in your own DB dataset in corvid ( ) every time the member purchases a plan.
    E.g. of the data that can be collected and saved on every purchase of the plan:
    “planName”: ,
    “planId”: plan._id,
    “orderId”: purchaseResponse.orderId,
    “memberId”: ,
    “dateCreated”: Date().toString()
    “plan” is the plan to be purchased,
    “purchaseResponse” is the response we get after calling .purchasePlan ( ) method because it’s return value is PurchaseResult ( ) ,
    “user” - currently logged in user .
    Example of the code used on dynamic page of custom package picker where member can purchase a plan (notice a field called " canceled " - it is needed so you would be able to track if member canceled the order or not, it is obvious that on the purchase we need to set it to false ):
    import paidPlans from ‘wix-paid-plans’;
    import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
    import wixUsers from ‘wix-users’;
    $w.onReady( function () {
    $w(‘#dynamicDataset’).onReady( () => {
    const plan = $w(“#dynamicDataset”).getCurrentItem();
    // purchase a plan
    $w(“#button2”).onClick( (event) => {
    const purchase = paidPlans.purchasePlan(plan._id).then(purchaseResponse => {
    // get current member (who is purchasing the plan)
    let user = wixUsers.currentUser;
    // collect all the data you want to save to your collection
    let toInsert = {
    “planName”: ,
    “planId”: plan._id,
    “orderId”: purchaseResponse.orderId,
    “memberId”: ,
    “canceled”: false,
    “dateCreated”: Date().toString()
    // insert the data into “subscriptions” collection that you’ve created (how to )
    wixData.insert(“subscription”, toInsert)
  2. Once you start saving members’ orders data you’ll have the necessary information to be able to allow them to cancel their orders. Cancellation can be done calling .cancelOrder method ( ) which takes orderId (which you are saving to your DB dataset (field " “orderId”: purchaseResponse.orderId " in the previous example)).
    You can create members area page Subscriptions on your site where you’d show logged-in member’s orders:
    code example:
    import wixPaidPlans from ‘wix-paid-plans’;
    import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
    import wixUsers from ‘wix-users’;
    import wixWindow from ‘wix-window’;
    $w.onReady( function () {
    const user = wixUsers.currentUser;
    // filter dataset so only currently logged-in user’s orders would be visible ( )
    $w(“#dataset1”).setFilter( wixData.filter()
    .eq(“memberId”, )
    .then( () => {
    $w(‘#dataset1’).onReady( () => {
    $w(“#button1”).onClick( (event) => {
    const $item = $ (event.context);
    const subscription = $item(“#dataset1”).getCurrentItem();
    const orderId = subscription.orderId;
    // Cancel the specific order of the logged-in user -
    .then( () => {
    // Get details for updating status of existing subscription (“subscription” dataset you’ve created before)
    const toUpdate = {
    “_id”: subscription._id,
    “planName”: subscription.planName,
    “planId”: subscription.planId,
    “orderId”: subscription.orderId,
    “memberId”: ,
    “dateCreated”: subscription.dateCreated,
    “canceled”: true , // Set cancellation to true
    “dateUpdated”: Date().toString()
    // Update existing subscription in collection to show that the subscription is canceled
    wixData.update(“subscription”, toUpdate);
    // OPTIONAL - Let user know that cancellation succeeded by opening some lightbox
    // Do something in the case of error - e.g. open lightbox that says that cancellation failed
    . catch ((err) => {
    } )
    . catch ( (err) => {
    // in the case $w(“#dataset1”).setFilter(…) fails
    } );
    Let me know if you will have questions at antanasd (eta)

I am terrible at coding and this is too complicated for me, so I will be waiting for this feature to be released :slight_smile:

If/when you do open the option for members to cancel their subscriptions, PLEASE make it an option that admin can select from the back-end. I am using paid plans as more so a payment plan than a monthly membership, so I do NOT want my “members” to be able to cancel on their own and at any time. THANK YOU.

Hi, thanks for your feedback. We will include it into product development.

Hello. I need this feature for a client asap. I dont know how to use the code, mabye you can help me? or when is the feature coming out?

Hi @sts2004 , we are working on My Paid Plans feature for Paid Plans that will allow to view and manage plans for customers. You can follow and vote for this feature here and stay notified when we will release it. Unfortunately, I can’t provide you a time when this will be out. Alternatively, you can try to find a Wix Partner that knows corvid and could help you on Wix Arena . Hope that helps.

When this solution will be ready?