Are the new forms horrible or is it just me?

they load poorly in the editor, they are hard to edit, the whole form editing panel is horrible, when i hide the field title it still shows it’s space and i cant remove it - and worse of all (for me at least) they lack sufficient right-to-left text options for hebrew.

I very much prefer the old forms, but to access them i have to add a new form, pray the from editing tool will load and then go and add an old form to the site… are you trying to hide them from us on purpose? :dotted_line_face:


I agree they are pretty clunky, but they still get the simple jobs done for me (although I only work in English).

I have noticed that some fields I would like are just missing from the form editor, and I have had to create my own forms using Input Fields and setting up a custom CMS to receive the submissions.

But that also comes with its own set of problems, mainly, that there seems to be a lagging/stuttering when typing the names of the input fields, and that completely slows everything down.

I really wish that when you clicked on the new forms editor, that the close “X” in the top right corner would load first, because half of the time I don’t mean to open the entire form editor, I just want to get the design tools.

@Jarod_Williams What kind of fields are missing in the form editor that you would like?