Back in Stock Notification

Hi everyone! I tried to add the button to notify customers when an item is back in stock but two things didn’t work.

  1. I did a test with my personal email and wasn’t able to submit my details because it said an error occurred (see attached image) but only when I wasn’t signed in. Then, I tried to login to the account on the online store and I entered the details and it worked. I don’t understand why it’s not working if I am not logged in as it’s suppose to work both ways.
  2. afterwards I verified my email and put the product back in stock (the one I asked to be notified) but I did not get the back in stock notification.

I also have another question - Is it possible to make the link you receive to verify your email to be clickable?

I followed both links set-by-step but still got the issues above. Please help!


  1. check database permission (don’t set it “members only”), choose “anyone”

It won’t trigger instantly (because you are using jobs scheduler, so it check product for every X hours

I checked an it isn’t set for members only (attached image)

Any ideia what could be wrong?

Please ‘tap’ the ‘Site Content’ drop down, then, select all permission as ‘anyone’ OR follow the example setting

Also, check ALL setting + UI elements + elements ID. Must be same as example OR you will need to edit the code.

Not sure which “example setting” you are talking about.
These are the only options I have available on the dropdown:

I even tried “Custom Use” but didn’t work as well: