Another day, another BETA!
What does this change? Let’s find out.
At the moment, you can only add blank pages to your site, but with our latest beta you’ll be able to add pre-designed pages that match your site themes!
When you click on the ‘Add Page’ button in the pages panel, the following model opens up.
From there, you’ll be exposed to all of the presets which you can select and add to your site!
To access this feature, visit your partner dashboard or click here to be redirected there.
If you have questions, comments or feedback, please leave them down below. @noapa and the team look forward to your responses.
Please don’t spoon feed us too much. 
So cool! @noapa - Is there going to be a way for designers to add our own presets? Cause that would be (fire emoji) level awesome . . .
Love it
Needed it
Thank you!!!
Such a little thing but makes our lives so much easier and faster 

Please add “my current pages” (maybe under “blank pages”, so we can duplicate a current page format quickly too.
Yes, having our own presets would be amazing! I use the SAME setup for my Legal Notice on every website. Gets old copying/pasting from one of my other sites, just because the copy/paste function barely works.
Hi RD Designs. Did you know that there’s a function called “My Designs” where you can highlight an element and save it for re-use in the same site (or any other site on your dashboard. You could maybe save your legal notice there and just insert it from there see Wix Editor: Saving and Reusing Customized Elements (My Designs) | Help Center |
I was thinking of the entire page, instead of using the “duplicate” feature, but if you just want one element, try My Designs 
Would bringing in that design change the overall design of my current site? Just need the text from one page to be carried over…
Ah, looks like that’s what I’m looking for 
Great! I just discovered it a couple of months ago. Good for frequently used elements.
@kimbuchanan well, I’m learning that you can’t save text to My Designs…?
Disregard, just can’t save to My Designs in Safari… I love playing the browser game… which browser will work with today?!
@rddesignsllc Aw sorry! I don’t use Safari myself. Pray that Chrome keeps being good to me, but have two more browsers up my sleeve if needed.
Yeah, it’s so weird how one browser was better than the other the day before without any updates. Makes me wonder if it’s not on Wix’s end.
Absolutely, great! Thanks wix