Beta unlocked: Introducing AI Text Creator

GPT has now arrived to Wix! Introducing the AI Text Creator in the Wix Editor.

We are excited to announce Wix’s newest feature, AI Text Creator. The AI Text Creator is a customized version of the GPT model by OpenAI designed for website creation. No longer will website creators struggle with content in order to complete their sites.

The AI Text Creator is very user friendly— by entering a few inputs about the desired text, it creates custom content for the site.This feature can be used to create anything from catchy titles to detailed text. Now, it’s quicker and simpler than ever to complete building a website.

As this feature is in the testing phase, we would love to hear your feedback. Please let us know your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below.

How to use AI Text Creator:

  1. Enter the Editor

  2. Click on any text component on the page

  3. Click on Create AI Text

  4. Fill the inputs

  5. Click on Create Text


  1. It is important to provide additional information under “What’s important to mention?” for more accurate results.

  2. We are continuously working to improve outputs, specifically for titles, and therefore there may be some inaccuracies.

  3. Saving ‘Business Type’ and ‘Business Name’ on every opening of the panel will be supported soon.