To all Wix partner community,
Happy New year. Have success in the business and be healthy.
The reason for my post is the Branded App by Wix. I like the concept, the performance is OK, I would like to purchase it. But …
Over my Budget and Perception
As I have mentioned before, Branded App by Wix is way over my budget and expensive compared to Spaces by Wix, which is free. If you compare Branded App and Spaces, there are no key selling points that will attract you to switch your customers/members to Branded App. The only reason perhaps is because it is standalone app with owner’s logo. On the other side, being standalone app, is obstacle for the users. With Spaces you are able to connect to other sites (spaces) and with Branded App you are stuck to only one site.
I have noticed that the deadline for 50% discount was postponed several times. First was end of September, then end of 2021 and now it is postponed to end of January. It looks like that Wix is not having enough early adopters even for the half of the price. This is not showing good reputation and will not attract new customers. If I am not satisfying with the pricing and/or added functionality, I will still wait for my decision.
About My Site and Site Members
My site has around 2000 site members. I am saying around 2000 because I do not know what is the number. In some reports/screens is saying 4000 and in some 1700 or something. Nevertheless, my site member base is several thousand site members. Out of them, I do not know how many are connected to the site via Spaces. There are some reports that are showing new Spaces users, but I cannot see how many users are in total because the reports are telling the ‘truth’ way after Spaces by Wix (formerly, Wix App) was introduced.
So, even though I might be good fit for purchasing Branded App by Wix, I am not confident that I will know how many people will be connected to Spaces and how many via Branded App. If I do not know how to track the usage, looks like throwing money without benefits. Also, Branded App is in essence Spaces by Wix with owner’s logo. There is no compelling reason to purchase Branded App. If at this stage Wix needs money for development, they could charge not more than 10 USD monthly for the owner’s logo.
Some Thoughts for Branded App
From what I know about strategy, postponing deadline with 50% discount is not sound strategy. I believe it will not generate more sales. It only allows to buy some time to understand what will be next steps - and in that matter, this could be some sort of strategy. In order all parties to be more satisfied, my opinion is Branded App to be developed in two directions:
Richer Product Functionalities. Adding more functionalities that will differentiate from the Spaces. Or add functionalities for both. (1) For example, we made few tools using Wix Velo on the site, but site members are not able to consume that applications/tools with Branded App and/or Spaces. (2) More options should be added in Branded App so that we might configure the App to be really ‘our app’.
I have attended webinar about Branded App last September and there used to be ambitious plan for new functionalities - I am not sure or informed if those functionalities are implemented.
Adjusted Pricing Structure. Users that are paying for the web site subscription, should have lower fee (if at all) because they are already paying Wix for the Wix and 3rd party apps plus Wix Editor including hosting. Provided that the Branded App can be used without having a Wix site, it is not fair someone to pay only for the Branded App, and me/us to pay the Wix Editor, Platform and Apps and Branded App all together - twice.
Dear Wix Team,
I like what you have done so far and my feedback is some kind of encouragement for you to make changes that will attract more users. More importantly for me, it will ease my decision to purchase Branded App by Wix.
Thanks for understanding and your willingness to take in consideration this feedback.
Regards, Venko Gligorov