Created my own discussion forum Light version with threads and all in three hours

During the weekend I created a smaller discussion forum application. Not at all as the built in Wix Forum of course and it should not be compared in any way.

My application has the following features:

  • List all Discussion Groups with description, headline and an image on one page using a repeater.

  • List all discussion threads under a Discussion Group and click Read to view one thread.

  • See the post, read all the answers under the main question / post and click reply to answer.

  • Create new posts in any Discussion Group.

Now I am working on search facility, like button and the below will be done during the upcoming weekend.

  • Click SPAM and if a post gets more than 10 clicks it will be removed for manual approval by forum admin.

  • View only Discussion Groups connected to a user role that you belong to.

  • Send triggered email when someone replies to a post made by you.

If someone wants a video tutorial on this work I am thinking of making one, will be a bit long. Around 2 hours maybe in total but I believe it is a great way to learn Wix and Wix Code and how to make a simple forum application.

This application should not replace the built in forum app but it can be used as a comment application for any Wix Code page you have or where you need some features not present in the built in Wix Forum App.

Reply here if you are interested with your email or just send to with the subject “FORUM APP TUTORIAL” and I will add you to the list.

Happy Coding!

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Hi there! I would be very interested in this. freedfoxworldwide (at) Thank you!

Go to and subscribe or email me at the address provided.

Hi Andreas…I’m currently trying very hard to build a forum like you did. I’m facing a lot of challenges. Can you please share the details to

@andreas-kviby It is not showing up any more.

This is a 3 year old post and Andreas is no longer active on this Forum. Closing.