Button on profile page links to specific page for that user

I want to put a button on a user’s profile page and have it link to a page designed for that user. That page should also be reachable by a normal link.

Wix Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
I have a portfolio page for various users that can be accessed by anyone. I would also like to put a button on each user’s profile page who has a portfolio so they can go directly to that portfolio. I tried puting a button on one user’s profile, but the button appeared on everybody’s profile page, and they all linked to the same portfolio.
What have you already tried:
not much

Additional information:
[Include any other pertinent details or information that might be helpful for people to know when trying to answer your question.]

Hi, @Ron_Carran !!

Hello. If you want to restrict the display of the link to certain users, you might need some Velo code. In other words, you would need to identify the user, for example by their ID, and code it so that the link button is displayed only when that user opens their profile page. :raised_hands:

Thanks, onemoretime,
Yes, I think you are right about using code to identify the user’s id. I’ll work on that.


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